Wednesday, March 12, 2008

First Impressions

Today may not have been the first time I heard the name David Patterson, but it’s certainly the first time I paid any attention.

I know next to nothing about the man, and the bulk of that has been learned by watching the local news. But here’s my first impression of the man.

Three days after the story broke, he has changed the story, at least locally. They’re now talking about Patterson, who he is, and what he will do. He asked Spitzer to resign on Monday, which I think is wonderful. Patterson gets to be sworn in as an actual governor, not sneaking in during the wake of a controversy.

I do not know soon-to-be-Governor Patterson. But I am intrigued, and look forward to seeing what happens next.

[And yeah, I'm trying to expand the things I might post about with the goal about posting about more things.]



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